Friday, December 10, 2010

Best Magnificent Fashion Trend

So, this week’s challenge title probably struck you as a little vague — typically, our challenges feature a difficult-to-style piece or unusual combination to try out. But this week, we dare you to wear something fabulous, intentional, and unique every single day for a full week.
Since this IS a fashion website, I realize it’s not a challenge for some of you to always leave home perfectly-accessorized and full of flair. But for most girls (including myself), it’s easy to put together inspired outfits some days, but other days, you just throw on a basic cardigan and pair of skinny jeans.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a simple outfit, but how much more confident would you feel if you took the time to add a scarf and watch, or pair your favorite striped cardigan with an adventurous floral top?
That said, wearing something worthy of the Sartorialist every day does take a bit of planning. Set an hour or two aside Sunday night and think about what you want to wear every day for the next week.
When you realize how much fun you have planning outfits, how much time you save throughout the week, and how much more confident you feel each day, you’ll adopt this into a weekly ritual in no time.

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